
Get real-time air quality
data and insights right at
your fingertips

*uHoo device required

Stay in control of your home 24/7

Pair your uHoo Smart Air Monitor with the uHoo App and gain access to real-time and accurate air quality data presented in a simple color-coded system. Clear, simple, and easy to use.
uhoo app air quality data
stay in control of your home air quality
stay in control of your home air quality
uHoo app icon name


It’s getting dusty in the Kitchen.
Dust can build up in air filters. Get them regularly cleaned.

Get alerts

Know air quality thresholds are exceeded, so you can respond immediately.
track air quality data for trends
track air

Track air quality data for trends

Allergic reactions during certain times of the day? Morning headaches? Identify trends and issues so you’ll know exactly what actions to take.
track air quality data for trends

Get helpful

Understand how air quality impacts your health and well-being

get helpful insights about air quality

Understand the air you are breathing

Learn more about the air you’re breathing to improve your air quality.
understand breathing using app
understand the air you breath

Understand the air
you are breathing

Learn more about the air you’re breathing to improve your air quality.
understand the air you breath

Integrate your uHoo

Creating a smart and healthy home by integrating uHoo with your heating and cooling devices.
Get more with uHoo Premium
The uHoo Basic App comes with all the data, alerts and tips to improve indoor air quality. With uHoo Premium, you get better information, tailored insights and more features so you can stay on top of your health.

Get your first year of uHoo Premium subscription included with your first purchase of uHoo Smart Air Monitor. Pay only $9.99 monthly after. Terms and conditions apply.

uHoo Virus Index

Manage the risk of virus survival and transmission in your home with uHoo Virus Index
virus index app
virus index app
virus index app

Get the uHoo app now for
free on the App Store and
Google Play Store.

*uHoo device required

Get more with uHoo Premium

The uHoo Basic App comes with all the data, alerts and tips to improve indoor air quality. With uHoo Premium, you get better information, tailored insights and more features so you can stay on top of your health.
get helpful insights about air quality