Babies, kids, and the elderly are especially at risk for breathing diseases for many reasons. They are very susceptible to breathing diseases, all the more we should invest in protecting them from what may cause it.

Protect Babies and Elderly from Breathing Diseases

The elderly usually suffer from asthma but are often explained as old age. It could also be caused by smoking or bad air quality (pollution). Those who suffer from dementia or Alzheimer’s also cannot communicate what they feel, and this makes the diagnosis even harder.


Asthma is one of the most undiagnosed breathing diseases, causing breathing restrictions by inflaming the airways and lungs.


Recent studies confirm that a lot of people who suffer from asthma are older and that the disease lasted longer, needing emergency treatments and often went together with sinusitis and pneumonia. And it gets even harder to diagnose if the person has chronic bronchitis, heart failure or any other pulmonary disease.

Babies and children also have a hard time showing signs of asthma. 1 of 10 kids can develop it, and it can cause severe respiratory distress, with the chances of being fatal for the little ones.11

Other Asthma signs to watch out for:

Besides the usual symptoms of coughing, you can check:

  • Breathing problems
  • Frequent viral infections
  • Chest tightness
  • Pain
  • Trouble sleeping

Changing habits can make a difference!

  • Avoid triggers

Smoke and pollen (particulate matter, PM.25) are one of the most common asthma triggers. Avoid smoking near or around children and the elderly. Assess the place you are going to for pollen count this way you can help avoid triggering an asthma attack.

Read More: Ultimate Guide for First Time Parents

  • Know your air

Having an Indoor Air Quality Monitor will help you to find out what’s going on where your loved ones live. uHoo can provide you with the data you need to make the changes that matter. When you receive an alert about the air quality, the uHoo app will also automatically provide recommendations on what you can do at that moment for better air quality.

  • Getting proper treatment

Going to your doctor and learning more about asthma can avoid visits to the ER, or even having to take shots, corticosteroids, or oxygen therapy. Use the right medications and allergy shots to get immunizations.

What other tips can you share with those who suffer from asthma? Please share them with us in the comments!


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